Experiments(or rather disasters) in cooking

So im currently in boston,stayin with my brother at MIT on campus n since its nt really possible to eat outside food for 3 weeks at a stretch and my brother has gotten pretty much fed up with my food whims..he handed me over all the apparatus required for cookin n told me to do what i wanted to.
First,i expected to see 3 aloos(i would know since i bought them myself)..but i saw 5(hain?they multiplied!)they had tiny buds growin on them(na..wasnt fungus..though it was my first reaction eeks)and well it seemed amrikan aloo arent like indian aloos..left alone,they multiply?!?!.So i decided fry them n eat them french fry-ishtyle.but instead of fryin them i rather ehm-ehm burnt them.how is one supposed to make sure tht it doesnt get burnt while other are undercooked?sigh.so then i decide to fry gobi.n a bit deterred by my over cooked aloos..i ended up undercookin the gobi.now i have a mix of over cooked aloos n undercooked gobis.any takers?lol
Second,i decided to make rice at night.So i put evrything in the microwave and went off to fetch the dal.I came back,peeped inside the microwave but couldnt see anything.I thought the mirror must have gone hazy.Not until smoke started coming out of the microwave?!?!?...now here all the residents of the same floor share a hhuge common kitchen..and very stupidly,i asked a person next to me if it was normal behaviour for a microwave to emit smoke LOL..realisin the gravity of the situation,he stopped the microwave ,took out the tupperware..which had a hole at its bottom(yea it was tht burnt)..n my poor charred rice n mattar..lol..i had conveniently forgotten to put water.Brito.So he closed the kitchen door,opened the kitchen windows so that all the smoke gets out.Staring in bewilderment,still in a state of shock i asked him y was he doing all this to which he replied that the fire alarms here were extremely sensitive n i had alomst set them off(HAIN?!?!?...lol smoke witout fire...)N apparently if the housing committee find out coz of who they go off..tht person gets fined(haw)..Sheepishly smiling,i go outta the kitchen only to encounter another chinese fellow in the corridor who asks me,"is something burning?".sigh.yes.o well iv decided to stick to stuff like maggi in future.