ODE TO 12-R(batch of 2005-06)

haphazard memories of the past 2 yrs...our last 2 yrs in skool...as class 12-R....
ah gettin up one fine mornin n marchin off to Mrs. C's room at 8 in the morning rite after the assembly..coz she decides to "suspend" mallika n jai for bunkin the assembly!!..n all of us marchin with gr8 vigour to give a piece of our minds to mrs.c till we reach her room n we're all conveniently tongue-tied..n gettin to hear from definition of bunking?!?!?...n all of us cumin out smiling sheepishly n then we gettin to hear frm our dear class tcher, mrs.GR tht histry students shud hv had mroe sense!!?!?!..remember chandni??...n then earthquakeeeeee hehe...the mastermind of our very own dog-cum-chandigarh-luver ectomorphic girl(see i didnt rite anorexic..i kno u dnt like it:D)..n btw if u still dunno who im talkin about..were u dead these 2 yrs??..dhikaar haim tum par!!...yea so it was krittika's idea...n soo 9th period of our eco tcher mrs.RN..n suddenly at 1:30 after much deliberation krittika screams earthquake..n meets with a rather subdued response..till madhavi volunteers "yes mam my chair is moving"...n as a late reaction...we all get up...scrambling..screaming"BHAAAGO"..yes even angie!!....n renu shooing us bac in...n then actually strtin to get convinced tht there was an earthquake!!(hehe she actaully sat down on the chair herself)..."mam my table,my chair"..ah the ground is shakkkking lolss.poor renu...n then our class assembly..n "chalte chalte" which successfully made evry1 feel senti!..sigh n ALL u ppl who insisted on singin the same song on the last day ..23 dec..n not lettin us sing "jingle bells" BOO to u!!hmph...well goin bac to assembly n our "jaipur trip"..which we were connivingly deprived of by arguements like its too hot..its too expensive n blah.. o well...nvrmind....n then the chandni chowk heritage walk....wearin those weird pieces of clothes(wicch we referred to as skirts btw) to the fatehpur masjid..where our very own BJP-supporter,anti-congress,anti-sonia gandhi,anti-ppl of foreign origin holdin high posts..yes u gueesed it rite..jai..asked the imam offending questions about jihad??!!?..woopy...tht cud only cum frm him...
and then...playin hide-n-seek in hb block hehe ..n all of us invariably hidin in tht dark dingy room nxt to etishree's room..bad idea lol...and nehru park...the rugby(or shud i jst say runnin from one end of the lawn to another screamin at each other?)..with krittika n who as captains??..ah forgotten....n then kabaddi..n knights saints cavaliers...n hah madhavi wasnt able to pick up krittika!!..omg haw yaar haha...and rolling down tht slope..which seemed to give certain ppl(read shiva,avidha,damini,madhavi)..sum weird kinda happiness...n then making fun of eternally weird shyam sunder...who would invariably cum every monday test period...leaning horizontally against the door with one hand restin against the door and the other one on his side and in his ever so "hoarsely seductive" voice asking gowri,"madam aapko thread mil gaye hain"...and then takin us to hear sum lecture of his student(remem tht weirdo radio jockey..iv even forgotten his name:S) along with Q section n we cursin each other for being there in the first place itself...and the cat fights..ahh i still cant forget the one btw ishani n angie in 11th in the eco pd(this one totally took the cake)...and damini and ankita...n speaking of fights....shiva mockin shayla garg(or shud i say kannan jain?!?!) the ENTIRE year!!...with the "shayla shayla" song n hand movements to this song tht go like...~/"````"\~...umm i hope u got the picture heheh but im sure all of u must remember...and then the entire class throwin anirudh,shambhav n zain dirty looks as they cum after the pe period into RN's eco class ..totally drenched drowned in sweat and then acting as if thats the most normal thing on this planet..n speakin of eco classes..siddy-boi(sidhant) barking back at the dog outside in the slums behind our class!!..ah yup those same slums coz of which our classroom got those seemingly ugly green curtains which were probably 758 years old..n for all who didnt kno..those curtains were earlier put up in the f bloc staff room!!..how cheap..we dont even deserve a dhanka pair of curtains!?!?... n then sonia SINGING sally in the alley in the eng period?!!?...which was followed by..ehm..by certain attempts to write ehm..poems..n then telling sonia to shut up when she starts one of her sneezing-bouts(read psychology practical and socio board exam)...and speakin of socio...the entire 32 ppl studyin it cursin Mrs.RK n her sarcastic responses which i believe includes phrases like "u jackass" and "u jennyass" or "those who eat non veg..unka pet nahin kabristan hai"!!!(eeks..thnk god im a vegetarian and thnk god for nt takin socio)...and makin the soft-boards..which our class always ended makin the last..but the boards still rocked!!(sigh..i jst remembered a particularly weird incident when shiva threatened to put cellotape on my mouth if i dint shut up..n as i didnt..he actaully attempted to shut me up with a cellotape..haha bad attempt shiva!!...poor krittika..screamin tht she had no more cellotape present)..or running off to gossu's PA to borrow stationery...n speakin of gossu..who distributed us this weird sheet of paper(remem the slow n steady..fast n furious shitty stories)..n askin us to submit sumthin the next day...roamin around the oat(fidgeting with her sari while walking)..in the hope of catchin sum1 roaming around and screamin at them in her ever-so screechy voice while we "pretended" to go to our parallel classroom...which finally was the room on the 2nd floor..n its ac nvr worked:(...n confiscatin our cameras during our last days!!(n shyam sunder mistakin shyala for angie in the process)...and shiva,damini,shambhav, n ishan singin in the class...fightin over whether to switch the fan on or off..goin to "yoga class" in the beginning of class 12..with the funnily gay chap givin us instructions to "shwas andar li jiye..shwas bahar li jiye"...sendin the entire bunch of girls sittin there into fits of giggles...watchin movies down in the blossoms bloc...watchin moot court competitions organised by our self-proclaimed moot-courters..which finally got recognised into a society in 12th haha good for u ppl...and playin dare one day in class...when shambhav decided to strip ahem-ahem..n anirudh with tht incredibly weird extra-terristrial dance with those 1-2-1-2 kinda pelvic- thrusting moves n steps made by vir..n siddy-boi n vir lookin like girls in our class pic..wihch was further strengthened by the fact tht both were wearing stuff in their ears when i last saw them on eco board day..n then way bac in 11th..being accused of hiding kanchu manchu's shawl durin the monday test..whereas actually yamini of xii had done it ...n then investiture..if im not mistaken..we had 16 appointees frm our class? HAh did ne other class hv those many ?..ah i kno xii r rocked..luv u guys.these were an amazin 2 yrs.
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
suppi grt work ha,thats a really easy way to make me cry.ya dese 2 yrs of ma life wer d golden yrs of ma life il remembr dem 4 d rest of ma life and it cudnt hv been possible without frds like u.suppi i think u forgot to mention d poem malli in our alley hehhe and also ma pol sc phobia remembr i irritated to d hell.plz b in contact everybody,every1 who belongs to 12th-R,love u guys,miss ya.KABHI ALVIDA NA KEHANA,ROTE HASTE BUS YE TUM GUNGUNATE REHNA KABHI ALVIDA NA KEHNA.
At 7:03 PM,
ThinkingWanderer said…
I actually took the pains of reading through the whole thing but i admit it was fun & xtremely well written.im sure ur really gnna miss skl.We'll all miss havn u arnd too.But dnt wrry,we'll b in touch!!
At 7:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh shit...that was long...but worth a read...uv been having a lot of fun...huh...supppu!
gawd...well all miss u sooooooooo much...but as avu said...
we shall be continuing with our pizza hut visits as is customary !
about da dancing step..well described...
and ya...iv had a similiar experience with da soft boards except that we neva won...!
At 11:22 PM,
Shubhi said…
Aww baby! Yah we will totally miss you, specially your jokes!! Bus rides will be so boring now!! and nice post... loong yes.. but very nice and Best of Luck with your board!!
At 1:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
yea mini..we shall surely continue goin to pizza hut lol :S..n im gonna miss u T sqaures!!(or wuteva tht was lol!)
At 7:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh ya...dont you know aastha n avu have discovered a term "greater than infinity" ...tht is described by "t square whole square!"
At 6:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
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