Random reminiscences of admissions
Random Day 1: we reached north campus without anything eventful,unless u count me looking for a pink line in the metro which actually doesnt exist.Fortunately, madhavi had the brains to point out the correct 'yellow' line. A rickshaw at the metro station & we reach stephens.Since it was only 17th may, not many people around.Pretty uneventful day,shopped at janpath,I've found out maddy & dami have a secret fetish for clutchers and hairbands..
Random Day 2: 1st june..the great admission rush,first stop lsr. So we reached at lsr 45 mins before admission starts!! & the entrance is already packed. I do not understand why people have to get along 3 generations of their family with them just to buy an admission form, and well, the colour pink is really hot among the umm 'pinkies'? So the gate finally opens at 9:30 & people just rush inside the gate full speed as if there's a rule that the first 50 people to reach the admission counter will be able to get their next 7 generations admitted to lsr regardless of their percentage. At the admission counter, there's a buzz going on that the prospectus is for 200 bucks. A few cheeky aunties try to act oversmart and buy only the form but well, obviously that doesn't happen. They are turned back by an equally cheek clerk at the admission counter. Hah,serves you right. After buying forms, we just roam around the college. Its nice,with warm and inviting brick red buildings. Fortunately, madhavi's friend has already bought jmc forms so we decide to meet straight at gargi. We are in for a shock. Not only is there a huge traffic jam, which makes it impossible for the car to go forward, there's also an attack of behenji and monty brigade and yes, the new trend among pinkies is hawaiian hats.Shocking. Anyway, i spot madhavi's friend across the road and yell to grab his attention only to realise that my yell was rather a shriek & i attract rather weird looks from the surrounding people. Thankfully, we are also saved the torture of standing in a line to buy the OMR form. Ah,life's good, then on to to ansal plaza only to find that mcdonalds has run outta chocolate sauce.Conspiring world.
Random Day 3: Go to north campus to give the forms. Sumbit the forms at stephens & then go to kirori mal(doesnt the name sound like a hindi movie seth:) to submit omr form...the only issue is the conspiring conniving 'helpdesk' people who are around..more of a nuisance and less of a help..after hunting around for 5 mins we go to helpdesk chap to ask where does the omr form have to be submitted only to hear a counter-question of "madame,mein aapka form check kar sakta hoon" No, u cant.Then you'll ask for our phone numbers and call us up during election times to 'convince' us to vote for one of the good-for-nothing-student-organisations. Anyway, i'm not one those dumb people who don't understand that shading should not be a tick or a cross but in fact, just mere shading. So we reach the room which looks like it has furniture and fans from the 19th century. We proceed to the girls only line, only to see that there are boys in both boys and girls lines. People either do not understand english or they have sexual identity crisis. The man at the counter screams every 2 minutes.."is line mein boys nahi allowed hain"..then continues to accept the forms from these boys. Maybe he has gender identification crisis. After submitting them, we move out..the kmc gardens looks like it has a buffet going on..people with drinks,foods and forms..open for all :).. Little bit of roaming around the campus in rickshaws, spotting people we know. Caution: do not ever yell out from a rickshaw..the person you're callin will never hear..only people whom you don't know will turn back and give you extra-terristrial looks.
Random Day 4: History and pscyhology counselling at lsr..fairly uneventful, low turnout...pleasant seniors..madhavi finds her car-pool partner *thumbs up*
Random Day 5: Journalism entrance at lsr. The best part about lsr is they don't allow parents. They just watch their babies leave them and enter an unknown world( for gods sake, it's a small campus with signboards..your kids won't get lost!). Journalism entrance was fine. Madhavi and me finished within an hour. Still can't figure what those super-ability people whom we were seated with(you see, we were seated % wise:D) kept on rambling about. Go outside, only to be bombarded with queries of random parents about the tough-ness of the paper. Apparently, "ok" is not a suitable answer because they further question you on what does ok mean?!sigh.
Overall, a fun June:)..will post about other details later
Random Day 2: 1st june..the great admission rush,first stop lsr. So we reached at lsr 45 mins before admission starts!! & the entrance is already packed. I do not understand why people have to get along 3 generations of their family with them just to buy an admission form, and well, the colour pink is really hot among the umm 'pinkies'? So the gate finally opens at 9:30 & people just rush inside the gate full speed as if there's a rule that the first 50 people to reach the admission counter will be able to get their next 7 generations admitted to lsr regardless of their percentage. At the admission counter, there's a buzz going on that the prospectus is for 200 bucks. A few cheeky aunties try to act oversmart and buy only the form but well, obviously that doesn't happen. They are turned back by an equally cheek clerk at the admission counter. Hah,serves you right. After buying forms, we just roam around the college. Its nice,with warm and inviting brick red buildings. Fortunately, madhavi's friend has already bought jmc forms so we decide to meet straight at gargi. We are in for a shock. Not only is there a huge traffic jam, which makes it impossible for the car to go forward, there's also an attack of behenji and monty brigade and yes, the new trend among pinkies is hawaiian hats.Shocking. Anyway, i spot madhavi's friend across the road and yell to grab his attention only to realise that my yell was rather a shriek & i attract rather weird looks from the surrounding people. Thankfully, we are also saved the torture of standing in a line to buy the OMR form. Ah,life's good, then on to to ansal plaza only to find that mcdonalds has run outta chocolate sauce.Conspiring world.
Random Day 3: Go to north campus to give the forms. Sumbit the forms at stephens & then go to kirori mal(doesnt the name sound like a hindi movie seth:) to submit omr form...the only issue is the conspiring conniving 'helpdesk' people who are around..more of a nuisance and less of a help..after hunting around for 5 mins we go to helpdesk chap to ask where does the omr form have to be submitted only to hear a counter-question of "madame,mein aapka form check kar sakta hoon" No, u cant.Then you'll ask for our phone numbers and call us up during election times to 'convince' us to vote for one of the good-for-nothing-student-organisations. Anyway, i'm not one those dumb people who don't understand that shading should not be a tick or a cross but in fact, just mere shading. So we reach the room which looks like it has furniture and fans from the 19th century. We proceed to the girls only line, only to see that there are boys in both boys and girls lines. People either do not understand english or they have sexual identity crisis. The man at the counter screams every 2 minutes.."is line mein boys nahi allowed hain"..then continues to accept the forms from these boys. Maybe he has gender identification crisis. After submitting them, we move out..the kmc gardens looks like it has a buffet going on..people with drinks,foods and forms..open for all :).. Little bit of roaming around the campus in rickshaws, spotting people we know. Caution: do not ever yell out from a rickshaw..the person you're callin will never hear..only people whom you don't know will turn back and give you extra-terristrial looks.
Random Day 4: History and pscyhology counselling at lsr..fairly uneventful, low turnout...pleasant seniors..madhavi finds her car-pool partner *thumbs up*
Random Day 5: Journalism entrance at lsr. The best part about lsr is they don't allow parents. They just watch their babies leave them and enter an unknown world( for gods sake, it's a small campus with signboards..your kids won't get lost!). Journalism entrance was fine. Madhavi and me finished within an hour. Still can't figure what those super-ability people whom we were seated with(you see, we were seated % wise:D) kept on rambling about. Go outside, only to be bombarded with queries of random parents about the tough-ness of the paper. Apparently, "ok" is not a suitable answer because they further question you on what does ok mean?!sigh.
Overall, a fun June:)..will post about other details later
At 8:59 PM,
Shubhi said…
Haha... well u got in where u wantred so b happy!!...
n guess hu else is in a random mood!
At 3:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
thnx for da update!!
lol...ur luky they were all good experiences...n yes uv got wat u wanted...:)n..wat else?
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