Life as a cynophobic
Experience 1 : Our house in chandigarh,playing cricket in the lawn and the ball goes into the neighbour's house. Very boldly i go into the lawn only to have a cheeky ,white, ferocious dog running out towards me,baring his teeth in a life-threatening manner.Screaming my lungs out,i dropped the cricket ball there only rushed back into our house,dog running behind me.Ah!only managed to get back and close the gate with a second to spare.Yes, my cousins and me still continued to play cricket,the ball continues to go in their lawn.The only difference is i have never stepped into that house again. And for all those people who think dogs are cho-chweet and it must have been my fault, THAT dog did bite my cousin one day four years later.
Experience 2: At my friend's place.She suggests we go to the next door neighbour's place because i have to see their dalmatian puppy. Yes,the dalmatian was cute but i was treacherously deprived of the whole truth and i soon found out they also had 3 MORE dogs,and no,these were no puppies.Big,ferocious dogs,leaping up at me,trying to bite of my flesh and im just standing there,too stunned to even move or scream till their damn owner finally comes and apologises for letting them out.An apology?!?!Will that ever help me get over my fear of dogs?!?Was i conditioned for life?
Experience 3:Going to the sports complex with hemantika and we pass a house and there's a dog barking madly at us.Having the comfort of being at a distance from a dog since the house gate was closed,i just showed him my badminton racquet and barked back at him and moved at him.Little did we know that dogs also know how to open gates and he came running after us and i'm sure if barks could be translated into english language, he was surely saying,"so u just mocked at me,huh?"..and hemantika,being as scared as dogs as I am,started screaming in the middle of the road.I on the other hand,just took off and ran,the dog running behind me,with hemantika screaming hysterically behind me,"kutte ke samne bhage gi to woh tere peeche hi bhage ga".Fortunately,I managed to shake him off and hide in someone's stairs and after 5 minutes hemantika also caught up with me.Since that day, i haven't ever passed by that house with that mad dog.
Experience 4:Shubhi's dog,very rightly named Mischief, and whom i have been able to avoid all these years just scared the hell out of me today.I heard him barking and I immediately locked(yes lock,dogs can be clever) myself in the bathroom.Fortunately,her bathroom has a fan in it.So after sitting there for 15 minutes,during which Avani & Shubhi kept pleading with me to just come out once so that he could sniff me after which he would stop barking at me and that anyway they couldn't tie him all the while I was there.So I cautiously came out,gave him a forced smile and approached him ever-so-slowly when he jumped out of shubhi's lap and came tearing towards me and I,yes ran back to the bathroom with him barking his ass off right at the bathroom door waiting for his prey to come out so that he could feast on it.But no, I would rather sit in a bathroom than face mad dogs whose only objective in life is to bite me. And please,whoever came up with,"barking dogs seldom bite" was a LOSER.
And for all those idiots who still haven't figured it out, cynophobia is fear of dogs
Experience 2: At my friend's place.She suggests we go to the next door neighbour's place because i have to see their dalmatian puppy. Yes,the dalmatian was cute but i was treacherously deprived of the whole truth and i soon found out they also had 3 MORE dogs,and no,these were no puppies.Big,ferocious dogs,leaping up at me,trying to bite of my flesh and im just standing there,too stunned to even move or scream till their damn owner finally comes and apologises for letting them out.An apology?!?!Will that ever help me get over my fear of dogs?!?Was i conditioned for life?
Experience 3:Going to the sports complex with hemantika and we pass a house and there's a dog barking madly at us.Having the comfort of being at a distance from a dog since the house gate was closed,i just showed him my badminton racquet and barked back at him and moved at him.Little did we know that dogs also know how to open gates and he came running after us and i'm sure if barks could be translated into english language, he was surely saying,"so u just mocked at me,huh?"..and hemantika,being as scared as dogs as I am,started screaming in the middle of the road.I on the other hand,just took off and ran,the dog running behind me,with hemantika screaming hysterically behind me,"kutte ke samne bhage gi to woh tere peeche hi bhage ga".Fortunately,I managed to shake him off and hide in someone's stairs and after 5 minutes hemantika also caught up with me.Since that day, i haven't ever passed by that house with that mad dog.
Experience 4:Shubhi's dog,very rightly named Mischief, and whom i have been able to avoid all these years just scared the hell out of me today.I heard him barking and I immediately locked(yes lock,dogs can be clever) myself in the bathroom.Fortunately,her bathroom has a fan in it.So after sitting there for 15 minutes,during which Avani & Shubhi kept pleading with me to just come out once so that he could sniff me after which he would stop barking at me and that anyway they couldn't tie him all the while I was there.So I cautiously came out,gave him a forced smile and approached him ever-so-slowly when he jumped out of shubhi's lap and came tearing towards me and I,yes ran back to the bathroom with him barking his ass off right at the bathroom door waiting for his prey to come out so that he could feast on it.But no, I would rather sit in a bathroom than face mad dogs whose only objective in life is to bite me. And please,whoever came up with,"barking dogs seldom bite" was a LOSER.
And for all those idiots who still haven't figured it out, cynophobia is fear of dogs
At 10:30 PM,
ThinkingWanderer said…
i still maintain...doggies r ssshhhoooo sshhhwwweettt!
Im nt sayn im comfrtbl with big dogs the minute i meet then can be real sweethearts u knw! & i agree thr r always xceptions!but come on..they are loving lil creatures...n micchhu..(mishief) is soooooo cute....small & harmless!
get over it woman! doggies rock!
At 10:46 PM,
Shubhi said…
hey dont u insult my precious doggie on the net!!hes my googlu!!
N once u let him sniff u he was perfectly fine.. n i think even took a liking 2 u!!
At 9:38 PM,
Shubhi said…
But, he did take a liking to you later na!!! u're dum bout doggies, they r more faithful than loyal than any man on this planet. And not to forget cuter.
At 10:06 PM,
Suparna said…
madhavi--u get a doggie,me nt cum to ur place nemore,or else u get a fan put in ur bathroom:)
shubhi-doggies cuter than ne man?hmm u conveniently didnt mention tht puttin up cute pics of brett lee on ur door only got me this encounter in the first y rnt u puttin pics of dogs?? y brett lee?
At 6:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh yes...i remember...
At 6:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
i am a 23 yr old female and i deliver junk mail to get some extra cash. small and big dogs terrify me. i have been chaced by many dogs. my worst experiance was when i was cornered by a begal. i didnt think they were dangerous but this one woulnt let me pass her house. the dog backed my up against the fence. the owner came out of his house and started laughing @ me sayimg "she's alright, she wont hurt ya" as she was snapping @ my feet. i was sreaming and crying begging him to stop his dog. when i finaly did get away, (no thanks to the owner) i couldnt walk straight cos my legs were shaking so much. i felt dizzy and kept crying. i dont see anything funny about dogs attacking people. i have the right to walk down a street without being confrounted by what seemes like a wild, out of control beast. its is a serious issue. they are cute and friendly, but can be cute and friendly behind a tall and sound gate:)
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